Backup Settings
Select the Backup Settings option to configure backup options for a specific device.
◦ Enable backups - A toggle to enable or disable configuration backup
◦ Destination
Customers can configure backups to be sent to an SFTP server of their choice inside their environment.
◦ SFTP Status - Indicates if SFTP server is configured.
◦ SFTP Status - Indicates if SFTP server is configured or not
◦ Configure SFTP field:
Hostname - the hostname of the SFTP server
Port - the port number of the server FTP application
Username - the username for SFTP user
Password - the password for the SFTP user
Directory - Where the backups are to be stored on the SFTP server
Hostname - the hostname of the SFTP server
Port - the port number of the server FTP application
Username - the username for SFTP user
Password - the password for the SFTP user
Directory - Where the backups are to be stored on the SFTP server
◦ Cloud Backup - When selected, the configuration backup is stored in Grid SaaS as an encrypted backup.
◦ Schedule - The frequency of backup and how many backups to be stored and a time selector for the backup needs to be taken.